Sunday 28 June 2015

40 things to do before you're 40: Number 1 - Eat fish n chips on a pier

So some people around here may have just turned 39 and since then several people have asked me what I doing for the big 4-0. My dream (if I can afford it) is to go back to my life in California for a visit and to catch up with all my fabulous friends over there.

Now 40 is a big ol' number and to take away some of the freaking out, I've decided I may as well go big. Having already run a marathon and never planning on doing anything so ridiculous again, I turned to Dr.Google for inspiration and came across '40 things to do before you're 40'! Obviously being well travelled and immensely cool *ahem* I've already done a few of the things suggested but tasked myself with the idea of coming up with my own list. 

As I don't have oodles of money it hasn't got loads of far flung places on it or crazy ideas or anything unachievable, just some books I haven't read and probably should have, some films I haven't seen and again probably should have and some cool stuff that I've always fancied doing. I've decided not to give you the full list straight away but to try and blog about them as I tick them off.

Soooo to get started and not in any particular order, the first item that I've managed to complete was eating fish 'n' chips on the pier. This may sound easy and if you follow me on Instagram or Twitter you will probably know that we head to the beach at every opportunity and also eat fish n chips quite regularly but the usual seaside places that are close to us don't have piers. In the essence of going big (and seeing my brand new nephew) then why not head to a beach almost as far South as possible and go to Brighton which is exactly what happened yesterday, the sun even shone for me :)

Number one: ticked off!

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