Tuesday 30 November 2010

Top 10 Toys for Christmas

I'm sure that you are all aware by now that I'm a Toyologist for Toys R Us. Last week I was featured in my local paper talking about donating some toys to Chick's after school club and my nursery at work and that story seems to have been picked up by a couple of other people!!! Today I was interviewed by the Leicester Mercury and tomorrow (weather permitting) I'm going to be on the BBC Radio Leicester afternoon show talking about my Top 10 toys for Christmas!!! Yikes!! 

I put a Tweet/Facebook call out to my fellow Toyologists to find out what their favourite toys were and this is the list that I've come up with. In no particular order my top 10 are:

Harry Potter Lego Game (& Harry Potter Lego in general!!)                  
£24.99 (Lego) 8+

Vtech Storio   £39.99 (VTECH) 3+

Bop It £17.97 (MB Games) 8+

Magic/Disgusting Science £12.99 (Galt) 8+

Sticky Mosaics £14.99 (The Orb Factory) 5+

Aquadoodle desk £24.99 (Tomy) 18months+

Bigfoot £84.97 (Imaginext) 3+

Thinkfun Zingo  £12.99 (Ravensburger) 4+

The Logo Board Game £24.97 (Drummond Park) 12+

Twister £11.97 (MB) 6+

I've chosen these Top 10 for a whole host of reasons. To buy the game or find out more please click the prices to take you to the Toys R Us website. If you want to ask specific questions about any of my Top 10 then please leave a comment and if I can't answer it I'll find a Toyologist that can!!!
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