Wednesday 12 January 2011

The Gallery - Body Parts

Warning: NOT FOR THE SHY!!!!

I feel like this post should have a 15 or R rating!!!  Tara came up with this week's body parts Gallery thanks to @CosmicGirlie showing her mighty fine ass on Twitter!! When I first saw the prompt I wasn't really sure what I might use but imagined me using a cute photo of Chick! I started flicking through all of my Facebook pictures and it soon became apparent that there is just one of part of my body that is forever showing off at any given opportunity............... weddings:

...........................................on random nights out:

................................even at CyberMummy:

(Faces have been removed to protect the not so!!!)

And don't even ask me what I was thinking wearing this top and doing this pose because I just don't know!!!! I can only presume that it was helped along by vast amounts of Tequila!!!

Let's hope next week's Gallery is all sunshine and flowers ;-)

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