Friday 10 August 2012

Sport in Schools and the Olympic Legacy

You know it's funny but before the Olympics this last couple of weeks, I'd never realised quite how little Sport is played in school. Obviously I'd read in the Daily Fail Mail about the playing fields being sold off and that it's low down the pecking order on the curriculum but the fact that it's only suggested as part of the curriculum for 2 hours a week is a little odd......although I'm not sure how they'd fit more hours in!!

I've never been particularly sporty and sports for me once I'd reached secondary school was all kinds of hell (I still think we should separate boys and girls PE but that's a whole 'nother post!!) but I still think it should be encouraged. We got to try a whole range of sports and although for me the only thing that I ever did well in was Cross Country running, it gave my brothers a whole different aspect to life, especially one of them who has made Sport his career.

This last couple of weeks I've read lots of things on Twitter and in the press about the lack of sports in school that surprises me. I bring this up as I'd never realised quite how lucky Chick is with our choice of school and holiday club. Her school does the mandatory 2 hours of PE each week but they also have extra curricular activities every lunchtime and 4 afternoons a week. You do have to pay for them but they're about £2 a week! Also her Teacher is amazing and last year introduced something that she calls 'Jumpstart'. It basically involves getting all the kids for 15 minutes in a morning and completing a mini-aerobics routine. The kids get to choose the music and come up with some of the moves so are very involved in making it fun.

The kids LOVE it! They see it as a fun activity and something that gets them going for the day. What they don't realise is that it helps them to concentrate, gets their hearts pumping and helps them with rhythm and routine. I think it's the number 1 reason that Chick is thrilled to be moving up with her Teacher!! They even *shock horror* still have an element of competitive sport!!

I'm hoping that between this and Chick spending her weekends watching me/her uncles & aunties competing in Marathons and Triathlons that she will consider being active a part of normal life and not a chore and that she will enjoy being active and healthy.

Chick's after school & holiday club is lucky enough to have links with Loughborough University College so they often have athletes or trainee sportspeople/coaches getting involved in their sessions. Yesterday they had an Olympic themed day and Chick was on 'Team Bradley Wiggins' (much to her disappointment as she wanted to be on 'Team Jessica Ennis'!!! lol). They made banners & t-shirts and completed a mini-heptathlon. Guess who won the Gold medal????

As I'm still recovering from my Op and only able to do stuff in 10 minute blocks we haven't been able to get out and about much but in an attempt to keep Chick inspired about the Olympics we've bought a sticker book and are collecting the stickers.....not sure who's most excited about this but it's informative and fun (yes, I do need to get out more!!):

I really hope that schools and the government capitalise on these games and help more youngsters get active and enjoy sports. Chick has decided that she want to be an Olympian at Gymnastic Trampolining so we'll be at lessons every Saturday afternoon for the next 8 years in preparation :-)

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