Sunday 24 April 2011

Easter Eggs handmade by Us

Chick has mainly had money for Easter this year as everyone seems to think that she's too old for eggs??? I don't think so but anyways whilst she was spending the money that her Dad gave her (on books of all things.....seriously.....she has a library in her room already!!) we came across some easter egg molds for 59p so I told her that we'd make our own eggs.

The weather has been absolutely glorious but Chick was fed up of the sunshine yesterday, after spending all morning out on her bike, so we thought that we'd have a go. These are our fabulous 59p plastic molds:

Mmmmmmmm chocolate and a helping hand from my girl:

We did have some initial problems with the consistency but I think we figured it out in the end. Once they had set I stuck the two halves of the small eggs together with more chocolate, wrapped them in foil and put them in the centre of the egg. This was the finished product:

A foil and ribbon wrapping and they were all done! Not sure how great they will taste but they look pretty damn good and we are really pleased with them.  I also made a plate of goodies for myself......chocolate dipped marshmallows and mini solid chocolate eggs (left) although it doesn't quite compare to Chick's stash from the Easter Bunny (right)!!!!

With Easter wishes and the hope that you all have a wonderful day.....Love from Me & Chick x

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