Monday 29 August 2011

A Mini Road Trip..........800 miles in 4 days!!!

A few weeks ago on Twitter, I was (drunkenly) talking to the lovely Susan about possibly visiting her. I was all........'it's only a 5 hour drive, of course we'll come and see you'!!! We arranged dates, I booked a hotel and then thought about the route that we might take to get up to Scotland.

In the few days before we left Chick got sick and I thought that we may not be able to go. I then discovered that I'd booked a hotel in the wrong Town (whoops......must stay off the t'interwebz when drunk!!) and the whole thing looked like it would have to be called off :-(

However, I persuaded Chick that she didn't feel so ill and that we should at least head up to our first hotel at the seaside and then re-evaluate how she was feeling. We could then either turn around and come home or carry on to Scotland and ignore the fact that we were in the wrong town!!! On the first night we stayed in Lancaster and also visited Morecombe (click on pictures to enlarge and see properly!!):

On the second day (after some bribery and calpol) we drove to Scotland via the Lake District:

You may notice in the bottom right hand picture that Chick is clinging onto me for dear life??! When we were posing for the picture, a fighter jet completing its practice runs flew directly overhead and felt like it was only about 10 feet above us!!!  In fact it was so close I was convinced it was going to crash into the mountain. I don't know if you've ever been that close to a fighter jet but it was soooooo loud that I still feel a bit deaf! Hence the reason Chick looks so terrified :-)

The Lake District was completely amazing and we will definitely be going back as soon as we get a chance!!! The first place that we stopped at in Scotland was Gretna of many runaway marriages through the Centuries:

We arrived at our hotel and checked in, after the longest drive, and then spoke to Susan.....who had come down with chicken pox :-(  Unfortunately we didn't get to see her but spent a truly fabulous day in Edinburgh instead:

Day four found us in Ayr playing on the beach, at the park and eating lots of ice cream:

I really wanted to go to Arran which is the island just in the distance but unfortunately we had to head home. A six and a half hour drive found us back in our home town (slightly delirious from driving I have to say!!!) and longing to be back in Scotland. Next time we will definitely have to go for longer......maybe we'll also get to meet up with Susan too :-)
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