Monday 15 August 2011

Two Year Bloggiversary Giveaway

Can you believe that I've been blogging for two years??? Some days it feels like I've only just started and other days I feel like I've been a life long blogger!! My bloggiversary was actually back in July but I kind of forgot about it until last week!!! Whoops!!! To celebrate, not only my bloggiversary, but the fact that I've also written more than 300 posts (wow!!!) I thought that I would have a week of giveaways over at Adventures of an English Mum Reviews.

A lot of you lovely folk have been with me right from the very start, so I figured it would be nice for you guys to have an advance preview of what will be on offer each day. That way you can pick and choose which (if any) you would like to enter. Today's giveaway is a toy Dyson from my lovely friends at Toys R Us:

Tuesday's prize is a family ticket to visit the HMS Belfast courtesy of the Imperial War Museum:

Wednesday is Fyrflyz courtesy again of Toys R Us:

Thursday is the chance to win £50 worth of toys from my lovely sponsor Argos:


On Friday I will be giving away not one but TWO Olivia Rubin designer scarves worth £70 each courtesy of the new Bold 2-in-1 rose and peony fragrance:

Whew!!! Some fabulous prizes I'm sure you'll agree. The criteria for entering each giveaway is slightly different so please check over at the review blog to see how to enter each day. They are all open until Friday, 2nd September!! Good Luck:-)

Happy Bloggiversary to me!!!!!
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