Wednesday 16 June 2010

Wordless Wednesday - The Bon Jovi Version!!!


  1. You're bringing back memories of my Bon Jovi escapades in April. It was definitely a fun concert!

  2. @Julie......It was truly brilliant!! This was the 8th time I've seen them and they were on fire!!!

  3. awesome photos, i can't help but to start singing "she says we gotta hold on to what we got, it doesn't make a difference if we make it or not, we got each other, and that's a lot, for a love: we'll give it a shot, whoooaaaa, we're half way there, whooaaaa, we're livin' on a prayer....." well you get the point =) how nostalgic! Music is one thing that can take you to a place in time that may have been decades ago, and make it feel as only yesterday =) Hope your week is going great, thanks for visiting my blog, glad you enjoyed my photos.

  4. @Bitsy Baby Photography.......They always finish with that song and I love that it gets everyone singing and dancing!!! Your pictures are awesome!

  5. Glad you had a good time. I can see why you would be speechless-how exciting!

    Best wishes,

  6. Girl, I saw them in 1986 when Jon's hair was long and he was wearing snake skin trousers. Meow!

  7. Ladies, you're drooling on my desktop...remember yourselves...thanks for sharing...looks like you had a great time...

    Twitter: SolarChief

  8. Wow, what a fabulous time. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Over from SITs. WHAT FUN!! IS he as gorgeous in person as he appears??

  10. @Natasha....was awesome thanks and am going again tomorrow!!!

    @Smitten by Britain.....I first saw then in '89 when I was 13 and I've been in love for that whole time ;-)

    @Sharlene......Sorry hun but he is delicious!!!
