Monday 12 April 2010

A begging post...

So I know that I'm about two weeks behind everyone else but I'm very, very excited to announce that somebody delightfully beautiful and gorgeous has nominated me for an award:
Thank you so much to the people that have already voted for really is too kind.  However now that I have been nominated , I'd really appreciate it if some more of my lovely readers would consider voting for me here in the category of 'Best MAD Blog for Family Fun'!!  It's a very simple process and will hopefully only take you about 2 minutes and I will be eternally in your debt should I make it through to the shortlisting stage!!!  I'm sure that I don't have much a chance with some of the other amazing Blogs that have been entered but it's very nice to be loved!!!!


  1. I was looking at that earlier before this post (from your twitter note) I noticed it said there are different categories. In what category were you nominated? Cuz if you want to get a lot, I would think it would help if we all nominated in the same category. Right? (I didn't go far enough into their site to see if that is true.)

  2. @Heather....Thank you, you a truly an angel x

  3. I lost my Mom's comment but she was asking me about the category to vote in which would be 'Best MAD Blog for Family Fun'!!!

  4. My comment showed up now & I voted!! Good Luck Sweetie

  5. Wooooppp! Fingers crossed we both get into those top 5's! :D xx

  6. Your blogs are fun and witty with a serious side at times,they make a great read and start to the day. Should you be shortlisted, the chancing of winning are very high. This is all in my opinion though, biased,maybe,but all true. xx

    organ grinder

  7. @Chanel @Emma @Kristin

    Thanks Ladies! Fingers Crossed!!! xx

  8. congratulations on being nominated! Yay!

  9. Done
    Love Auntie Nelly xxx
