Thursday 15 April 2010

Officially a Slacker!!!!

When I got ill last year with my liver thing I decided drastic action was needed and being the Drama Queen that I am, I was all 'If I was on my deathbed, what would I regret'?. Luckily for me the only thing that I would change is the amount of time I spend with Chick. Now it's taken some time to organise but finally this week I have dropped some hours at work.

The first week thus far is absolutely amazing!!!  Normally on a Thursday we wouldn't get home until around 6.15pm, I'd throw something together for Dinner, force Chick to do her homework whilst I'm cooking (yes, I use the term 'cooking' very loosely!!), then it's bath and bedtime before I get to sit on the internet for a couple of hours and then sleep!  I know you're jealous of my busy life right???

Well today has been almost a revelation!  We got home at 3.30pm and so far have managed to watch an hour of kids TV whilst Chick actually told me about what she did today at School!  Then she went off to play and I actually got to read my guilty pleasure for half an hour in peace:

I had a quick tidy (we aren't houseproud!!!) loaded the washing machine and then joined Chick in singing and dancing around the Living room to a bit of Miley Cyrus....go ahead judge me, I don't makes Chick and I happy and giggly!!!! Then I made a masterpiece for dinner:

Homework was done with no fuss at all and believe me that's almost a miracle!!! She was scrubbed and tubbed and in her PJ's for 6.15pm!!!!  I'm thinking I might need an early night after all this bonding and tidying!!!

In other exciting news, I'm having a new Header designed by a professional blog design angel and that should be ready very soon so we'll be looking all new and shiny around here!!!!  Winner of the Urban Massage Giveaway is here:

I'll be in touch in the next couple of days with contact details etc.  Well done....hope you enjoy it xxx


  1. Sounds like a great day to me :) enjoy your reduced hours!!

  2. @Dear Diary....thanks will do!!!

  3. Sounds like a great day and since you took at least 15 minutes to yourself you can even join in on the Kindness club over on my blog. :-)

  4. @Susie....Will pop over and have a look!!!!

  5. Good for you girl! It's great that you're getting time for yourself and with Chick. And I think the new header is so cool! xoxoxo

  6. @Utah Thank you....I love it too!!!

  7. Love the new header. Very nice! Very YOU! xoxo

  8. @Heather I'm glad that you like it xx

    @Theta Mom Thanks!

  9. wow, very impressed with the header.I am so sure chick enjoyed the extra time spent together.You might also feel the benefit of it as well, time will only tell.You really do need to enroll on some cooking classes, or at least get SOMEONE to teach you.xx
    the organ grinder

  10. That looks like a fantastic dinner and I'm actually wanting boiled egg myself now! Going to go & see if we have eggs/bread in date/clean pan! :) I think dancing with your daughter is great!! I love rocking out with Oli - He's still at the point where he finds my dancing fun and laughs at it! One day he's going to be cringing with embarrassment isn't he? ;)

  11. That sounds wonderful. Having time to relax and talk is ALwAYS needed, isn't it? Have a great weekend!

  12. @OrganGrinder You know that you love me regardless of my cooking skills!!!! xx

    @Emma Actually it was really nice!! Chick loves my dancing.....only if no-one else is around ;-)

    @ Sara Even better today.....we got time for a play date and to enjoy the sun!!!
