Friday 13 August 2010

Letters of Intent


Are you having the week from hell?  Are you ready for the kids to go back to school or sad that they already are?  Do you have something you need to get off your chest?  Then grab a button from Julie over at Foursons and write your own Letter of Intent!!


Dear Jealousy

You are a complete bitch!  I'm very grateful for the opportunities that I am offered and am trying to be happy for people that are offered other, different, fabulous things.  Just because I am not on the list doesn't mean that you need to keep popping up and upsetting me and telling me that I'm not worthy!!!  I AM and WILL be happy for them (in a coupla days when you bugger off!!!)

Love Me


Dear Work

Seven lots of interviews in a week does not make Emma a happy girl.....seriously sort that crap out......oh wait a minute I'm the Co-ordinator!?!

Dear Emma

Seven lots of interviews in a week does not make you (or anyone) a happy bunny.  WTF were you thinking??? You know that you are only two days away from the week from hell right????

Love Me

Dear Diary of a (Not So) Single Mum

I think that you completely rock and cannot wait to meet you next week!!  I'm positive that everything will go smoothly and your new life in Spain will be fabulous!!

Love Me

p.s. You can totally be my bridesmaid if I can pull this off!!! xxx

p.p.s Given my track history I wouldn't hold your breath ;-)


Dear Family

Please play nice at my Mum's hen party on Sunday. It's not too much to ask and I'd hate to kick anyone's ass....ok!?!

Love Me


Dear Girls

You are supposed to be my best friends and posse.  Leaving me out of things or making decisions without me when I've asked to be included means that you suck.  The fact that not a single one of you has even noticed how upset I am speaks volumes.  Please don't call me next time you have a 'drama' because I may not be interested. (Not sure why I bothered with this one because it's not like any of you read it anyway!!!)

Love me


Dear Emma

Seriously girl you need to sort your life out.  Let me give you some advice:

Stop living in the's done!!! (p.s. sad music from the late '90's does NOT help)

Keep turning off the laptop and spending time with that girl of yours!  She is growing so fast and if you blink again it will be gone and she'll be 18 and away at Uni!!!

If you want to actually write, stop Tweeting your life away and do some writing.

Also it's the quality of your Twitter followers that matter not the quantity!  You are not Dooce and do not need to be loved or hated by everyone!!!

Lose the friends that aren't there for you.

If you want to make a it.  You trained for and ran the London Marathon remember? CAN do it!


Dear Nelly

I miss you to the moon and back.

Love Me


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