Friday 30 December 2011

Round up of 2011

If I didn't have this lovely blog and you'd have asked me what I remembered most from this year I would say: going to Scotland on holiday, having an operation to save my hearing, Chick turning 9 and meeting 'The Man'!! I think that's a pretty impressive year but looking back over the blog posts gives me a much better perspective and I love that it helps me not only remember but also to see how far I've travelled!!

Back in January I was brave enough to discuss 'The Fat of the Matter' and ask should I pay for any obesity related treatment that I may need in the future? My entry to 'The Gallery' was this fab Summer pic of my two favourite girls:

February had me breaking my heart and thinking about the 'Seventeen Years' since my Dad died. We also visited the London Baby Show courtesy of Dettol where my girl got some posing in:

In March I was determined to 'Enjoy the Small Things' as well as the fabulous English weather and my little Chick was The Cat in the Hat:

April had me discovering my creative side. Not only did we make our own Easter eggs but I also decorated my whole lounge for £30!!!

I may also have attended the MOST historic event of 2011, if not the Century so far:

Yes, I was there at Trafalgar Square for the wedding and in front of Buckingham Palace for the balcony wave!!! 

May saw me being a complete blogging slacker but I did manage to write a short story entitled 'The Child Who Never Sleeps'. I also thought  that having a trip on the London Eye was a brilliant idea......even though I'm scared of heights!!! This is me pretending all is ok when I was actually convinced that I might die:

June involved getting together with some of the most fabulous bloggers in the world (and Sarah Brown) at CyberMummy. I appear to have had a bit of a Royal year, so this is me and my gorgeous Sister-in-Law celebrating the Queen's (and my 35th) birthday:

 Ooooh in July I was having a bit of a mid-life crisis and told everyone what they could do with their opinions!!! I may have scared my family as it generated a lot of worried phone calls....whoops!! The photo kind of continues the mid-life crisis theme:

August saw my two year blogging anniversary and lots of lovely trips away, including one to Scotland:

World suicide prevention day in September saw me again trying to come to terms with the circumstances of my Dad's death but also as the school year starts my gorgeous girl  heading into Year 4 looking more and more grown up:

In October I tried Internet dating which didn't seem so great at the start but within 3 weeks I'd met 'the man' who is possibly the most gorgeous, genuine person I've ever met :-) Obviously we can't do October without celebrating Halloween:

November saw my beautiful Chick turn 9, shopping trips to Build-a-bear and John Lewis and also saw me rocking the sexy look for my dreaded ear operation:

Aaaah........December! The Christmas month and the slacking blogger month!! I may have had a Typically Me incident and Chick and I had a very funny discussion!! 'The Man', Chick and I started getting ready for Christmas:

We had a lovely Christmas at my Parents in Norfolk and I may have received the most lovely and thoughtful present in the world from 'the man':

'The Man' had the box handmade and although you can't see it very well, in the smallest box was the most beautiful love heart necklace. It's half silver, half gold and has two rows of diamonds through the centre. Awwww, what a sweetie! It must be love!!

A huge thank you for sticking with Adventures of an English Mum during 2011 and here's to a fabulous 2012 for all of us xx
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